Please Donate to Very Special Kids

Please donate today to help hire more nurses so our children’s hospice can always be ready when very special families need respite.

With our new hospice opening shortly, it is crucial that we raise $167,000 as soon as possible— so we can increase the number of nurses in our hospice. Enough nurses that we will always be ready to provide respite and exceptional care for children like Emily and Olivia.

Six-year-old Emily and her four-year-old sister Olivia both live with life-limiting conditions. When a child has a life-limiting illness, every day can bring extra challenges, fear, and heartache. Having two children diagnosed with a serious illness is unimaginable. But for Emily and Olivia’s parents, Claire and Andrew, this is their daily reality.

Claire shared, “Our girls need so much assistance with every single thing. They can't feed themselves. They can't dress themselves.”

Our children’s hospice is crucial for families in desperate need of respite from the round-the-clock care their child needs. That’s why our goal is to continue providing families with the best possible care 24 hours a day, seven days a week. 

But we are headed towards a crisis.

We are in the middle of a nationwide nursing shortage, and it hurts to say this, but over the past few years and during COVID, there were times when nurses were unwell or unavailable, and we didn't have the backup needed. If this happens again, we are at risk of closing beds or even having to close the hospice and send children home.

Our biggest concern is for children nearing the end of their life. We would never, ever want to be in the position where we had to turn a child and their family away because we didn’t have enough nurses available.

Your gift today can help hire more nurses for the new hospice. 

Families like Emily and Olivia’s need your urgent help. Please donate to help hire more nurses so our children’s hospice can always be ready when families need rest to recharge.

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We are at % of our goal.



Please donate today to help hire more nurses so our children’s hospice can always be ready when very special families need respite.

With our new hospice opening shortly, it is crucial that we raise $167,000 as soon as possible— so we can increase the number of nurses in our hospice. Enough nurses that we will always be ready to provide respite and exceptional care for children like Emily and Olivia.

Six-year-old Emily and her four-year-old sister Olivia both live with life-limiting conditions. When a child has a life-limiting illness, every day can bring extra challenges, fear, and heartache. Having two children diagnosed with a serious illness is unimaginable. But for Emily and Olivia’s parents, Claire and Andrew, this is their daily reality.

Claire shared, “Our girls need so much assistance with every single thing. They can't feed themselves. They can't dress themselves.”

Our children’s hospice is crucial for families in desperate need of respite from the round-the-clock care their child needs. That’s why our goal is to continue providing families with the best possible care 24 hours a day, seven days a week. 

But we are headed towards a crisis.

We are in the middle of a nationwide nursing shortage, and it hurts to say this, but over the past few years and during COVID, there were times when nurses were unwell or unavailable, and we didn't have the backup needed. If this happens again, we are at risk of closing beds or even having to close the hospice and send children home.

Our biggest concern is for children nearing the end of their life. We would never, ever want to be in the position where we had to turn a child and their family away because we didn’t have enough nurses available.

Your gift today can help hire more nurses for the new hospice. 

Families like Emily and Olivia’s need your urgent help. Please donate to help hire more nurses so our children’s hospice can always be ready when families need rest to recharge.

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Give $30

Will you stand by families to help provide them with essential emotional and practical support  when they need it most?

As Victoria's only children's hospice, if families like Emily and Olivia’s can’t come to us for 24/7 support, they may have nowhere else to turn.

Give $50

Your gift will help offer exhausted parents a renewed capacity to care for their beautiful children.

You can help make sure our children’s hospice has enough nurses to provide respite and care for every family and child who has a life-limiting illness.

Give $100

Your gift today can help hire more nurses for the new hospice.

We need to hire more nurses to ensure we continue providing an exceptional level of care, and that the very special children in our care deserve.

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